[PY 100S] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (43 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Focused on behavior and relation to health. Stress: emotional and physical process that you use to adjust or deal with events that interfere with daily functioning. Stress mediators; control, support, predictability, coping method. Psychological: negative stressors cause the most adverse effects. Physical stressors: life events, positive or negative, you must adjust. Catastrophic event: life threating event, shocking, serious problems (i. e 9/11, Life changer (i. e divorce, unemployment, family illness, moving). Chronic stressors: continue over long period (i. e living next to airport, shooting range, constant discrimination. Daily hassles: minor irritations, pressure. (i. e can"t find parking spot, can"t find keys). Physiological: heart rate, adrenaline, sympathetic nervous system. Cognitive: what you tell yourself, thinking, thinking impaired. Crying, acting out, excessive sleeping, eating, nail biting, smoking, drinking. Hypothalamus- adrenal gland- catecholamine- activate liver, kidney, heart, lungs, etc. Hypothalamus- pituitary- acth adrenocorticotropic hormone- adrenal- corticosteroids. Pattern of severe negative reactions following a traumatic event.