PSYC 3400 Study Guide - Final Guide: Anima Animus, Toilet Training, Abraham Maslow

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Freud focused attention on the shame aspect of toilet training during the anal stage, while becker viewed toilet training as a positive, rather than traumatizing, triumph over our physical-ness. Animus: the unconscious masculine side of a woman. Western: see the self as the center of the person. ___________ psychologists: jung"s 4 developmental stages, metagrumbles. Viktor frankl"s "a man"s search for meaning" only those with some sort of authentic purpose (will to meaning) survive in devastating/traumatic circumstances like the holocaust. Jason silva: replacing reliance on religion/god with reliance on science and logic has left us on all on the edge of an existential vacuum: miscellaneous lecture points about transpersonal psychology. "the hero"s journey" a common archetype used in stories and movies. Eros and thanatos: the treatment of the narcissistic neurosis. Moments of pure joy and elation that stand out from everyday events and that leave a lasting memory/impact on the person.