POLI SCI 240 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Eisenhower Doctrine, Authoritarianism, Schlieffen Plan

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Tendency of members in a group to reach consensus without full examination of the evidence. Beyond a critical level, the entire group switches quickly to that position. This does not have to be a majority. Second face of power: agenda setting power. Subordinates will not provide options that they believe will meet with disapproval. The psychology of decision making and negotiation dynamics. Limited attention span, limited intake of extraneous evidence, particularly during crises. Limited ability to concentrate for extended period. Belief that one only has limited time to reach a decision; the other actor is assumed to face less time pressure. (you project on the other actor more latitude than you feel is given to you). The tendency or desire to reduce dissonance with existing beliefs (conflicting information) Individual pursuit and collective good (the invisible hand). Specialization makes things better - helping others while helping oneself. Laissez faire - limited government intervention in the market.