[PSYCH 212] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 75 pages long Study Guide!

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Believed the mind resided in the heart in early egyptian culture. The brain is never mentioned in the bible or the quran believed that the heart was source of emotions and strong emphasis on soul. Aristotle though the brain was the cooling system of the heart. Divinci rst western philosopher to give discussion to nature/purpose of brain. The soul governs behavior through a point of contact, such as the pineal gland. Human looks at descartes" i think therefore i am phrenology - idea that you could feel brain regions over the skull which then correlated with brain processes. Important because introduces localization of function localization of function - different brain regions specialize in speci c functions and types of processing. William james considered to be the founder of western psychology. Evolution of the psychological perspective of the brain. Neuroscience is interdisciplinary referred to as biological psychology, behavioral/cognitive neuroscience involved multiple levels of analysis.