BIOL-UA 12 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Fallopian Tube, Blastomere, Skeletal Muscle

41 views3 pages
21 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Driesch - complex structure comes from simple one in egg; still believed in vital forces though. Cleavage - diameter stays constant, cell number grows exponentially. Humans - fertilization in fallopian tubes, cleavage begins and continues as it travels. Genetically identical twins - splitting of the embryo during early development (monozygotic) Fraternal twins - release and fertilization of two eggs (dizygotic) Morphogenesis - the process by which cells occupy their appropriate locations. Gastrulation - rearranges the cells of a blastula into a three-layered embryo (gastrula) Ectoderm - outer layer, skin, neurons, and pigment cells. Mesoderm - partly fills the space between the endoderm and ectoderm, cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, tubule cells of the kidney, red blood cells, smooth muscle in gut. Endoderm - inner layer, lung cells, thyroid cells, pancreatic cells. Inner cell mass - cluster of cells at one end of the blastocyst.