CAMS-UA 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Oedipus Complex, Conduct Disorder, Hypomania

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Oppositional defiant disorder- pattern of negativistic, angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or vindictiveness lasting at least 6 months, with 4+ symptoms with at least one individual who is not a sibling. 70-90% have comorbidities depression, anxiety, alcohol/drug use, adhd, suicide attempt: adhd versus bipolar symptoms. Adhd has no elevated mood, gradiosity, or racing thoughts: atypical presentation of child bipolar disorder. C- have you ever gotten into a car driven by someone who was high/using alcohol or drugs. R- do you use alcohol or drugs to relax. A- do you ever use alcohol or drugs while you are alone. F- has any friend/family member ever thought you had a problem with alcohol/drugs. F- do you ever forget or regret things you did while using. T- have you ever gotten into trouble while using alcohol or drugs, or done something you wouldn"t normally do. Eating disorders: historical differences between an and bn.