CORE-UA 306 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Expressive Aphasia, Roger Wolcott Sperry, Phineas Gage

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Mind-body dichotomy: descartes: man was only creature that has soul; soul bestowed by god; pineal gland links body and soul (soul and mind separate) * there are exceptions to all of there, they are just basic tenements. Integration across scales: to understand brain must integrate phenomena across time scales and spatial scales. Localization: correlating parts of brain and behavior (structure and function) led to origins of phrenology, phineas gage (train rail through brain guy, localization and language, broca: Studied patients with speech deficits: aphasia = inability to produce coherent language, speech or asl. Found aphasic patients had specific brain lesions in left brain and frontal lobe (broca"s area) Broca"s aphasia = motor aphasia (formation of language: wernicke: Brain has model for what face should relatively be; when it"s upside down, different than right side up. When face upside down, usually just check for characteristics (is there a mouth/nose/eyes/etc. ?) Helps reduce seizures, generally lead normal lives.