NURSE-UN 241 Final: PSYCH Nursing - Exam 2 Study Guide

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Restriction of energy intake to requirements, resulting in significantly low body weight. Intense fear of gaining weight, becoming fat: gross distortion of body image. Increased frequency in modeling, ballet, wrestling elite athletes. Increased risk in 1st degree biologic relatives: often associated with a stressful life event. Children with obsessional and or anxiety disorders. Endogenous opioids may contribute to denial of hunger. Studies have shown dysfunction in serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine. Internet can also be detrimental (normality & behavior) Lack of autonomy and self-hood: weight concerns, unable to separate psychologically from mother, negative emotionality/affect. 1: mother: often has an eating disorder plus, usually a dysfunctional relationship (controlling) Refuse to eat with families or in public: usually good students w/lots of discipline, often preoccupied with food, diet with restricted fat and carbohydrates. Laxative and diuretic abuse: over exercising/physical hyperactivity. Bmi 17 or below (care for concern (an alert: hypothermia (always cold, hypotension.