PSYCH-UA 25- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 19 pages long!)

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From desire, emotion and knowledge - plato. Does pain enhance memory? opposed to nature) Injuring your body to remember something of importance. Various philosophers had differing views on why we are the way we are whether we developed it because of our soul interacting with our body or because of evolution and natural selection (the nature vs nurture debate beginnings) Relationship between phenomena of the world and our experiences of it. Ex: how much lighter does a light have to get before we notice it notice. Behavior in terms of its function-inspired by darwin. The whole is more than the sum of the parts. Green dots in a circle example- we see movement despite there. Led to the idea that we cannot understand all of the whole just by being none its parts. We see things that are not actually there. Unconscious mind-we are not aware of all we do. Study of relation between actions and conditions.