SOC-UA 1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nash Equilibrium

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Since no method of aggregating presences assumes a direct mapping from individual. Preferences to the collective outcome we cannot know whether here is a national interests and if there is we don"t know what it is o. Universal domain - each member as order of preferences. If you prefer a to b and a. Ne is a set of strategies in a game such that no player had a unilateral incentive to switch to an alternative strategy. Pure nash equilibrium- play with probability equal to 1 o. Mixed nash equilibrium - not equal to 1 o. On close inspection non of the rationalists" arguments advanced in the literature holds up an explanation because non address: Uncertainty don"t know information about the strength of the opponent bluffing/asymmetric information / private information. Rare can always make a side payment if. Commitment problem: median voter theorem o o. Assumes the issues are one-dimensional, preferences are single peaked.