EED 305 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mexican Americans, Marianismo, Gender Role

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Set of norms, or culturally defined expectations, that define how people of one gender ought to behave? gender role. A generalization about a group of people that distinguishes them from others? stereotype. Simultaneously considering the meaning and consequences of multiple categories of identity differences, and disadvantages? intersectionality. Winner is such an important part of the us male role? the role of bread. Cultural influences include african heritage, the experience of slavery, and racial oppression. Hispanic americans are now the nations largest minority constituting 13% of the population. Mexican american culture is based on mexican heritage, modified through acculturation to incorporate anglo components. Gender roles are sharply defined, as epitomized in the concepts of maschismo and marianismo. Asian americans make up 4% of the us population. Asian american women have a higher level of education than white american women. The asian american women has been stereotyped as an exotic sex toy, while the man has been stereotyped as asexual.