CHEM 2540 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lou Gehrig, Dystrophin, Atherosclerosis

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Posture active muscular resistance to displacement of body by gravity or acceleration. Upper motor neurons (umn) project from motor cortex to brain stem or spinal cord and indirectly or directly innervate lower motor neurons of contracting muscles. Lower motor neurons (lmn) motor neurons supplying a motor unit located in ventral horn of spinal cord and brain stem directly innervate skeletal muscle. Proprioception sensory afferent information regarding the sense of body position, movement and muscle tone (independent of vision) transmitted to cerebellum and cerebral cortex. Pyramidal motor system motor pathways originating in motor cortex and termination in corticobulbar fibers in bn stem and corticospinal fibers in spinal cord. Extrapyramidal motor system motor fibers from the cortex and basal ganglia that follow lmns of proximal and extensor muscles and do not intersect in the pyramids. Muscle strength abnormalities in any part of motor pathway can produce impaired strength or muscle weakness [differentiate mono-, hemi-, para- (di-), quadri- (tetra-)]