ECON 4130 Midterm: SP17 Exam 1 Review-1

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The exam will have 5, 10-point questions on it from the questions below. Provide 3 reasons why, according to guns, germs, and steel episode 1, the indigenous animals of the fertile crescent, where so bene cial. Cereal crops: wheat and barley: easily stored, durable, sustain harsh growing conditions, nutritious, high calorie content, tasty, easy to plant and harvest. In addition, animals were important to farming because they could eat the stubble from the elds and provide the elds with fertilizer at the same time. 2. (7 points) the evolution of economic organization from hunter-gatherer to settled agriculture to more complex civilizations proceeded at vastly different paces in different parts of the world. Explain why the pace of development on the eurasian landmass was so much more rapid than in africa and the. Americas. (3points) describe and explain australian development before.