EEOB 2520 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Cella, Red Blood Cell, Ventricular Hypertrophy

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Chronic: not short term, high blood pressure for a long duration. Usually due to an increase in the peripheral resistance. We care about high blood pressure because it leads to ventricular hypertrophy of the left ventricle; increasing the size. Bigger muscle but losing out on the squeeze/ more contraction force. Get heart doing less and to bring blood pressure down. Plasma (55%) at top of the centrifuged tube. Water (90%) and plasma proteins (albumin, immunoglobulin, fibrinogen) Leucocytes: white blood cells (having an immune function to them) Highly specialized cells in the body: have very specific job set that they accomplish. Small (5-7 um): determine the size of our capaillaries. Shape: biconcave ellipse (max amount of surface area relative to the minimum width) Removal happens in the spleen and the liver. Spleen is the primary place liver helps out. When hemoglobin is broken down we have a consequence of bilirubin formed from hemoglobin breakdown/catabolism.