HISTORY 3750 Study Guide - Final Guide: Extermination Camp, Combined Bomber Offensive

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Document Summary

General: this exam is worth 500 points and counts for 50% of your final grade. It covers the entire course with an emphasis on material covered since the second midterm. You will have 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete your exam. Philosophy: this exam will test your knowledge of the material covered in the course, but you may use ideas and information from other courses and your own reading and experience; the only criteria are accuracy and relevance. When you use material from outside the course in your answers, indicate the source. History 3570 examinations require you to decide which questions to answer from a number of options, giving shorter responses to a larger number of questions than is usually the case in history exams. The format should enable you to make the most of your factual knowledge, descriptive skills and analytical abilities.