[SOCIOL 3488] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 109 pages long Study Guide!

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Hierarchy (aristocrats, serfs, fiefdoms) long term system. Shift from farming to industry (shift in mode of production) Capitalism produced free markets w/ merchants/commodities: rise of socialism. Critique of capitalism (b/c unfairly benefited some over others) Believe it can be changed (reform rather than revolution: feminism. Way systems structured benefit men more than women. Mass migration from agriculture to cities b/c jobs (occurred within own nations: religious change. French revolution = anti-clerical: growth of science. French sociology: notice in each example how early french theorists are reacting to the. Conservative reaction: rapid change is not always good; critiquing idea that society is just collection of individuals, alexis de tocqueville. Advocate for freedom, but critical of equality and individualism. Everyone becomes mediocre; government becomes centralized b/c small elite aren"t there to stand up to them. Individualism occurs when free but do not have desire to work together for common good.