STAT 4201 Midterm: Statistics 421 Exam1_PracticeProblems

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31 Jan 2019
STAT 421 Practice Problems for MidTerm-1 Prof. Goel
The following problems are basically unassigned problems from Home Work
Assignments #1-3. Some of these are potentially harder than the actual exam. If
you can solve these, you should be in good shape.
We will go over some of these in the Review Session on Monday, 4/16.
Text Book, 10:
Problems 10.1, 10.2, 10.10, 10.21, 10.39, 10.41, 10.46, 10.50, 10.54, 10.56,
10.70, 10.71, 10.72, 10.83
Text Book, Chapter11
Problems 11.4, 11.6, 11.25, 11.37
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