[BIOS 1705] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (17 pages long!)

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Chapter 1: life: chemical, cellular, and evolutionary foundations. Scienti c method: science = way of searching for answers to the unknowns in life. Scienti c method: steps scientist must follow when trying to answer a question: observations. What is going on when this happens? : hypothesis. Possible answers to explain what is going on. Each possible solution must be testable: prediction. What happens if your hypothesis is correct: experiment. If your results are consistently supporting your hypothesis over multiple experiments then you get a theory. If your experiment doesn"t support your hypothesis then you return to your hypothesis and gure out what went wrong: theory. A general explanation for what is going on. Wednesday, august 24, 2016: observation: butter ies land on bright colored owers, hypothesis: butter ies land on the bright color owers because they are more attracted to them, prediction: if given the choice a butter y will prefer a brightly colored.