PBIO 2090 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Habitat Destruction, Human Impact On The Environment, Herbivore

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Define and describe a community (eg: who, what, and where) and its boundaries. A community is a group of populations (species) that coexist in space and time and directly or indirectly interact. Ecotones: boundaries: communities have squishy boundaries, only in special cases boundaries are sharp or easily defined. We can identify, measure and compare communities by their attributes: physiognomy, species composition, species distributions, species diversity, canopy structure, nutrient cycling, change over time, productivity, stand structure. Describe and define concepts of species composition (i. e. richness, distribution, structure, diversity . ) within and between communities. Richness: list of species in a community. Species diversity: number of species within a specific area. Beta: a community across an environmental gradient. Understand the processes that can shape community composition. Species and patterns are controlled by filters . Be able to describe examples of competition for different resources (biotic and abiotic) Plants don"t really compete for light (it is an infinite resource)