MC 1143 Study Guide - Tricuspid Valve, Heart Failure, Congenital Disorder

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Fibrilllation: a blood vessel that is patent is: open, a local widening of an artery which may be life threatening is a/an: aneurysm, the common name for ----- is a heart attack. Myocardial infarction: phlebitis is a/an: inflammation of a vein, the combining term atri/o" means: atrium, disease of heart muscle is known as: cardiomyopathy, a holter monitor is: an ekg taken during daily activity. Chapter 7 quiz: ck, ld and ast (sgot) are: serum enzymes, an ----- is an instrument to measure blood pressure. Sphygmomanometer: removal of plaque from inner lining of an artery is: endarterectomy, the ----- is located between the left upper and lower chambers of the heart. mitral valve. Chapter 8: sharp, short blows to the surface of the chest is referred to as: percussion, during ----- a tube is placed through the mouth to the trachea to establish an airway-