POLS 3313 Midterm: Test #1 Review

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22 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Five matching= all people, four rashidun caliphs. Four i(cid:495)ds: events, empires, people, one date. 5 short answer: who, what, when, where, why. Muslim government that ruled islamic empire during middle ages: ruler = (cid:498)caliph(cid:499) = successor. In charge of protecting islamic holy cities mecca, medina: religious and political leader of muslim world. Controlled western asia, north africa, parts of europe. Culture and trade influenced much of civilized world: spread religion of islam, advancements in science, education, and technology. Began after death of prophet in 632 ce. First caliphate (30yrs) : rashidun rightly guided caliphs: abu bakr = (abdullah ibn abi quhafah) Called rightly guided because all companions of prophet and learned ways of islam directly from him first man to accept islam. 632-634 father in law of prophet, known as (cid:498)the truthful(cid:499), put down rebellions by various arab tribes and established caliphate as ruling force in the region, served as first leader of hajj to mecca.