POLS 100S Study Guide - Final Guide: Ali Khamenei, Samuel P. Huntington, Francis Fukuyama

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The major challenges that post-modern and modern states pose to each other are mainly territorial in nature. As borders aren"t nearly as relevant to post-modern states as they are to modern states, border security issues are also a major source of tension. Post modernists stress transparency and openness while modern states are firmly rooted in realist foundations. Thus, the two different groups of state classifications are almost completely contradictory in principle. State sovereignty is the backbone of a modern state, while post-modern states are organized around individual welfare. Dealing with other countries is another source of contention between the two different groups. Modern states are particularly partial towards the use of force and don"t shy away from violence. If anything, modern states will begin violent battles, as their main focus is to expand the national interest and ensure the assertion of power. Post- modern states govern by law instead of force because their priority is the interest of the individual.