BB H 311 Study Guide - Final Guide: Operant Conditioning Chamber, Learning, Cardiovascular Disease

135 views9 pages
29 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Three components of emotion: feelings (subjective experience), physiological arousal (somatic and autonomic response), actions. Categories of emotions: positive vs. negative, emotional pairs (anger+anxiety, difference is whether or not you feel you have control) Mood vs. emotion: mood is a chronic state, emotions fleeting. Stress and illness: psychoneuroimmunology, cancer, cardiovascular disease. Importance of emotions and the brain: for a long time mostly ignored. Emotions very a lot within oneself but not between individuals- we differ in ourselves more than we differ with others. Importance of learning in emotions (how we learn about how to feel, through experiences and mentors-fear) Importance of learning in emotions: many of the emotions we feel we have learned from our surroundings and, as children, our parents. Classical conditioning: neutral stimulus (bell), unconditioned stimulus (food), conditioned stimulus(bell=salivation. Operant conditioning: law of effect (throndike), responses that are followed by a reward will occur with greater frequency over time.