BIOL 141 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Vascular Resistance, Adrenergic Receptor, Sympathetic Ganglion

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29 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Frog heart: 3 chambers not 4 (2 atria and 1 ventricle) How to restart heart: atropine (blocks parasympathetic, positive chronotropic and inotropic effects) then epi ( binds to adrenergic receptor, positive both) How does temperature affect chronotropic and inotropic effects: changes rate of reactions (enzymes have optimal temperature- myosin head, pumps, etc. ) Effects of ca: some allows for more contraction, a lot makes outside hyperpolarized and slows down repolarization (slows hr) Effects of nicotine: nicotine applied upstream on the sympathetic ganglion, near the spinal cord will activate sympathetic neurons and cause epi release. If applied to spine, negative chronotropic and inotropic. Effects of potassium: negative both, when k+ added outside of cell has hard time repolarizing, decreased hr. Draw heart rate monitor and label atrium and ventricle contraction: Pulmonary circulation: pump on right receives blood form body then pumps to lungs. Systemic circulation: pump on left receives blood from lungs then pumps blood to rest of body.