BIOL 141 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Troponin, Axon Terminal, Ion

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29 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Types of brain waves: alpha, beta, theta, delta. Alpha waves: normal resting conditions, occipital lobe, 8-12hz. Beta waves: intense concentration/alertness, front lobe, 13-30 hz. Eeg: electroencephalography, electrical brain drawing, sum of many aps. Alpha coma: brain damage, not responsive to external stimuli. Artifact: undesired alteration in data because neurons also communicate with other organs (muscles, etc) Amplitude more affected by closing and opening eyes. Emg: electromyography, examines electrical activity generated by muscles (motor neurons send action potentials at neuromuscular junction run along sarcolemma and stimulate skeletal muscles to contract). Used to identify muscle weakness and neurologic disorder. Emg increases in amplitude: recruitment of muscle fibers and greater ap firing. Functions of muscles: moving and stabilizing skeleton, pumping blood, moving food through digestive system, supporting organs, and adjusting pupils. Skeletal muscle: voluntary control. body movement and facial expression, breathing, speech. Smooth muscle: involuntary, lining digestive system, iris of eye, hair follicles.