[COMM 168] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (38 pages long)

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30 Mar 2017

Document Summary

The contract with society: with great privilege comes great responsibility , with great power comes great responsibility . Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech or of the. What should readers, viewers and listeners expect from the news media: accuracy, fairness. Integrity (ethics: perspective and proportion, taste, accountability, courage. The american press has been given extraordinary freedom by the. In return, it owes society courage. : anthony lewis. What makes it journalism and not something else: accuracy, verification, attribution, balance, fairness, neutrality, clarity, social responsibility. It is true: to the best of our knowledge. Good journalists know that: if your mother says she loves you, check it out . Attribution tells the audience how we know what we know. But not necessarily: given equal weight. Clinton on trump and the alt-right : 31-minute speech, facts, examples, citations, quotes. Trump on clinton: she"s a bigot . Clinton, trump exchange racially charged accusations: washington post.