PSYCH 270- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 99 pages long!)

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28 Mar 2018

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Yet they can be too strong or unfit to context. 18% of u. s. adults have at least one anxiety disorder in any given year. Fear: negative arousal in the face of immediate danger. Intensifies quickly and leads to escaping, fighting, or holding still. Anxiety: negative arousal in anticipation of future problems. Anxious apprehension: (1) high levels of negative emotion, (2) sense of uncontrollability (3) shift attention to self-focus. Worry: repetitive anxious thought that a future event will turn out badly. Panic attack: sudden, overwhelming experience of terror. Must reach peak level in 20 minutes. Rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, nausea, gagging, dizziness, heat or chills, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, unreality. Fear of dying, losing control, of going crazy . Phobias: persistent, irrational dears associated with a specific object or situation. Avoidance: preventing or removing oneself from feared situation, rather than approaching it. Avoidance relief of anxiety maintaining/increasing anxiety. Avoidance keeps us from realizing the fear is manageable.