[ANTH 0780] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (14 pages long!)

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5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Anthropology: study of the human species and its immediate ancestors. Holism: refers to the study of the whole of the human condition: past, present, and future; biology, society, language, and culture. Cultures: traditions and customs, transmitted through learning, that form and guide the beleifs and behavior of the people exposed to them. Adaptation: refers to the processes by which organisms cope with environmental forces and stresses. The rate of cultural adaptation and change has accelerated in the last 10,000 years. General anthropology: includes four main subfields (sociocultural, archaeological, biological, linguistic) Examines, interprets, and analyzes the results of ethnography-the data gathered in different societies. The origin of anthropology as a scientific field, and of american anthropology in particular, can be traced back to the 19th century. Key assumption: sound conclusions about human nature cannot be derived from studying a single nation, society, or cultural tradition.