ENGFLM 0400 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Soviet Montage Theory, The Stunt Man, Medium Shot

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Readings with vocab & examples: introduction: some basic issues and concepts (p. 3-25) Metaphors: figures of speech in which one thing stands for another. Allegory: a sustained narrative in which the characters and situations stand for more general qualities or states: film as a language (p. 29-69) Conventions: a customary way of doing things, rather than grammatical rules; audience can interpret because have seen it before. Establishing shot: to reveal the overall space of a scene followed by a close-up of the hero. Continuity: includes all the ways of organizing shots so that the transition from one shot to the next does not jar the viewer. Sign: the study of communication, verbal or nonverbal visual or aural. Semiotics: the smallest meaning unit of communication; study of communication; make meanings through things we see. Signified: the meaning of a given image; meaning the viewer supplies to it; meaning we attach to that thing we see; associations/inferences we make.