HAA 0105 Quiz: Key Works - Unit I

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Key works for unit i - african empires. For the exam, you will be responsible for the works on this list. Note that each key work is listed below by title; civilization; artist/architect; original location: narmer palette; egyptian; unknown; hierakonpolis (egypt) Composition: how the artwork is arranged: horizontal lines = registers, ground lines = function as the ground. Center and largest figure is the most important figure = hierarchy of scale. This is the battle that unifies egypt (narmer was the first pharaoh) Attributes of kingship: white crown = crown of upper egypt, kilt, muscular body, false beard, bull"s tail, in striding pose and smiting pose = power. Less clothing the lower the status. The hawk is symbolic of horus: patron of the living pharaoh: standing on top of a human enemy, subjugating his enemy, papyrus is growing out of the enemy = grows in lower egypt.