HAA 0105 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Anthropomorphism, Semiramis, Heroic Nudity

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Key works for unit iv: the roman empire. For the exam, you will be responsible for the works on this list. Note that each key work is listed below by title; empire; artist/architect; original location: the temple of mars ultor; roman empire; unknown; rome (italy) Legitimizes his rule by claiming divine descent. Aeneas (son of venus) descended from to originator of the city. Built temple to thank mars for helping him beat his uncle. Forum = heart of every city (commercial, religious) Caryatids: females that act as freestanding column (support the building) Copy acropolis (greece is captured as well) Augustus connects himself back to others (venus, aeneas, etc. ) Augustus rededicates it from war to peace. Tomb of etruscan people (shows continuity and tradition) Could be used to tell time: ara pacis; roman empire; unknown; rome (italy) Lower register = plants, symbol of fertility and peace. Romulus and remus (twins that found rome descendants of aeneas)