NROSCI 0081- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 109 pages long!)

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Behavior: the actions of reactions of an organism in response to external or internal stimuli (emotional states and moods, some physiological) Joseph von gerlach and ramon y cajal both won nobel prizes: 1950s: electron microscope supports neuron doctrine, synapse: tiny gaps between the neurons. Immune defense for the brain (macrophages: scavenge dead neurons, plaques, pathogens, oligodendrocytes, provide support. Main branches of the nervous system: central nervous system brain and spinal cord. Proper neuronal function depends on both neurons and glia working together. Neurons are electrically active they store energy in the form of an electrochemical gradient, and so do muscles: resting potential = -70mv, occurs because ions are not balanced inside vs outside the neuron. Ions have charge sum of charged forms electrochemical gradient. This pump uses atp to pump 3 na+ out and 2 k+ in, which maintains the resting membrane potential. Inside cell: k+ and protein: outside cell: na+ and cl-