ECO 300 Midterm: ECO 300 Midterm 2005

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31 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Put away your books, handouts, notes, computers, calculators, cellular phones, now. [3] print your name clearly, and write your precept day and time, on the first page of each answer book you use. [4] do not start writing answers until you are told you can. Therefore you should plan to spend roughly 20 minutes on each question. At the end of the 80 minutes, time will be called. Purchased at the rate of four points per minute or fraction thereof. We prefer you to use a ball-point pen or. [6] write out and sign the honor pledge using its precise wording i pledge my ink. Writing in pencil may get smudged or unclear; any such unclear answers will be interpreted as wrong. Question 1: (25 points; 3 each, plus 1 bonus if you get all 8 correct) for the best answers, in the order of the question.