CHM 12901 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hydrolysis, Electronegativity, Cell Nucleus

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P o s t exa m 3 no te s. S(surr) increases: h(sys) < 0; h(surr) > 0; s(surr) > 0, in an endothermic process, the surroundings provides the heat absorbed by the system, and. Spontaneous at higher t; non spontaneous at lower t. Products have less energy than reactants: atp is most commonly hydrolyzed to adp or amp, the structural basis of high phosphoryl transfer potential of atp, the products of hydrolysis have a greater resonance stability. Electrons can be spread over a greater number of resonance structures and the pro cuts are in lower more stable energy states: greater separation of negative charges with the hydrolysis of atp. In h(cid:909) o(cid:909) and o(cid:909) (cid:903) it is -1: ex: h(cid:909) o has hydrogen as +1. Nacl and charge on the molecule or ion always -1: oxidation numbers do not have to be integers.