SLHS 11500 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Flaccid Paralysis, Cerebral Palsy, Hypotonia

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The following terms and concepts were taken from assigned readings in the owens, Test questions will also be taken from material presented in class. Neuron : most basic unit of the nervous system. Cns: central nervous system, brain and spinal cord. Hyperfluent speech: rapid-fire strings of sentences with little pauses for acknowledgement or turn-taking. Hemiparesis: a weakness on one side of the body in which strength and control are greatly reduced. Paraphasia: word substitutions, may replace a word with another based on similar meaning/sound/other relationship. Verbal stereotype: an expression repeated over and over, may be obscene or explicit, unable to stop. Embolism: obstruction of blood flow caused by a clot, moves from original site. Thrombosis: blocks blood flow, caused by clot, does not move. Hemorrhagic stroke: one in which the weaker arterial walls burst under pressure, occurs with an aneurysm. Transient ischemic attack: mini-stroke, temporary condition who"s symptoms mirror those of a stroke.