SLHS 30600 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vocal Tract, Formant, Vocal Folds

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General information: much of the information you are responsible for knowing is derived from the assigned readings: chapters 3, 4, 6 (through p. 183). The study questions in each chapter may be very helpful. Anatomy: note: this section draws heavily on the textbook; if it"s in the book but not the slides, you still need to know it. 41-42): know terminology for place and manner of articulation. 42-44: difference between larynx and glottis, major steps in the cycle of respiration (pg. 40: relationship between vocal fold vibration and acoustic signal of voicing, acoustic properties of the voicing source. 44-49): major divisions: pharynx, oral cavity, nasal cavity, major landmarks in the slvt: lips, teeth, alveolar ridge, palate, velum, glottis **see. Transcription: will follow same format as exam 1 transcriptions will be provided, you will mark as correct/ incorrect and then, for those marked incorrect, provide a correct transcription. Transcription: transcribe every word fully (correct or wrong transcription will be given)