BIO 102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Allele Frequency, Gene Pool

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Plato: each object on earth is merely a temporary reflection of its divinely inspired ideal form . Aristotle: categorized all organisms into a linear hierarchy the ladder of nature. George leclerc (buffon): original creation provided a relatively small number of founding species; some might have improved or degenerated : organisms changed naturally over time. William smith: observed that fossils of similar species existed in the same layers of the earth. Georges cuvier: catastrophism caused species to die out. Charles lyell: uniformitarianism the earth"s present landscape was produced by the past action of the same gradual geographical processes that we observe today. Jean baptiste lamarck: organisms evolved through the inheritance of acquired characteristics body modified by lack of use/use (lamarck"s giraffes) Gregor mendel: pea plant experiments shows the pattern of inheritance genes. Darwin/wallace"s theory postulates: postulate 1: individual members of a pop. Differ from one another in many respects: postulate 2: some of the diffs.