BIO 211 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Exam Guide - Skeletal Muscle, Cartilage, Capillary

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Small intestine, descending colon, large intestine (some: abdominopelvic regions (tic-tac-toe) If stimulus increases a variable, receptor informs homeostatic control system which activates effector to decrease variable back into normal range. If stimulus decreases a variable, receptor informs homeostatic control system which activates effector to decrease variable back into normal range. In negative feedback, homeostatic control responds to move variable in opposite direction to bring it into normal range. In walls of hollow organs (stomach, urinary bladder: not striated, cells are spindle shaped, elongated nucleus, can contract without nervous system stimulation. Insertion: movable bone: origin: immovable (less movable) bone, attachments are direct or indirect, direct: epimysium fused to periosteum of bone or perichondrium of cartilage. Increase muscle fiber"s surface area sarcomere: triad relationships, t tubules conduct impulses deep into muscle fiber; every sarcomere, integral proteins protrude into intermembrane space from. T-tubule and sr cistern membranes- act as voltage sensors: sr foot proteins: gated channels that regulate ca2+ release form sr cisterns.