01:050:495 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jacksonian Democracy, Manifest Destiny, Henry Nash Smith

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American studies review: henry nash smith defines american studies as the study of american culture, past and present, as a whole . Smith says that the best way to study america at this time, is to conceive american. Studies as a collaboration among men from working within existing academic disciplines but attemping to widen the boundaries imposed by conventional methods of inquiry. The power of nationalisms is countered by the lack of study and philosophy behind the term. Nationality is seen as an abstraction, but peculiarities are often remembered: nation: an imagined political community- and imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign. He emphasizes the image of community and kinship because it shows just how these nations are imagined. The feeling of community is what has brought the fraternity for which so many have been willing to die for. We are part of a nation where we are connected to people we have never seen by nets of kinship.