01:119:131 Study Guide - Final Guide: Macrophage, Eutrophication, Shade Tolerance

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First 50-60 qs are exam i and ii --- go over the exam and understand concepts. 75 qs on new material --- know what he has presented, not in order. Immunology, excretion, and respiration: better distribution of these about 15 qs, 7 or so on immunology and 8 between respiration and excretion. Red blood cells and plasma protein abulins and globulins. Red blood cells regulated by arithrocoletan produced by kidneys when oxygen is depressed. Skin, mucus, enzymes: tall light receptors. What they recognize: phagocytes and natural killer cells (release cytokine, cytokines. Inhances inflammation: three main things, lyses cell walls of pathogens, coats pathogens and makes them more attractive to white blood cells. Inflammatory: wound healing overview, dilation takes place increase in blood flow. Body remembers pathogen, memory cells help eliminate pathogen if it comes in. Interlukens and cytokines act on infected cells: cd8 cells, major hystocompatability type ii. Antigen presenting cells present mhc2 on cells.