04:192:410 Study Guide - Viral Marketing, Limewire, Media Life Magazine

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Radio - ruled, you got your music from the radio. Newspapers - newspapers were definitive sources, if it didn"t say anything then it didn"t exist. Vhs tapes - allowed you to record programs for the first time. Cassettes - allowed you to record music for the first time. Your media life today (this list is longer and abusive to us; how can you decipher and disseminate; how do you know what to look at; who"s following you) Laptop computers - are more powerful than the computers that sent the men to outerspace. Terrestrial radio rocked (imus in the morning, z100) Magazines were on top (people were buying magazines, not just older people, but younger people as well) Newspapers - only a few will stay; if you put newspapers solely online you eliminate a lot of costs that will save the corporation money; they will cut and spend to save money. Radio - we are killing radio; podcasts, itunes, limewire, etc.