01:447:380 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gel Electrophoresis, Thermal Cycler, Nucleobase

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Gene for mammals turns off after the babies stop weaning. If you find 2-4 different alleles in a wild population, all are considered. Mutant refers to a genetic difference that was induced or accidental in a. Wt varies from experimental to natural arbitrarily established based on controlled experimental laboratory strain population relative numbers pick 1 pheno/geno from wild pop and compare mutations to that. Good = allelic variation, gets new properties, basis of evolution. The same one mutation can be both. Possible for parent"s gametes to be affected but parent"s. Progeny of affected individual may or may not be affected, bc only phenotype is normal half of the gametes will carry the mutation. Anticipation segment of cag repeat sequence gets progressively longer with each generation varies for different diseases like huntingtons. Uv, x-ray the higher the energy the more damage ( gamma =