01:830:313 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Olfactory Bulb, Sound Localization, Lateral Hypothalamus

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Know the quiz questions (2 of them will be on the exam) Understand the physical and perceptual dimensions of sound waves. Sound has three perceptual dimensions: pitch: a perceptual dimension of sound; corresponds to the fundamental frequency, loudness: a perceptual dimension of sound corresponds to amplitude (intensity, timbre: complexity, hertz: cycles/sec. Know and be able to identify the anatomy of the ear (know picture) Snail-shaped structure of inner ear that contains auditory transducing. Opening in bone surrounding cochlea with membrane that transmits sound vibrations into fluid in cochlea. Know the function of hair cells and the basilar membrane (including cilia, tip links, and insertional plaques) Organ of corti: sensory organ on basilar membrane that contains auditory hair cells, hair cell. Cilia (eyelashes): involved in mov"t or in transducing sensory information; found on receptors in auditory and vestibular system. Tip link: an elastic filament that attaches the tip of one cilium to the side of the adjacent cilium.