01:830:333 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Prefrontal Cortex, Emerging Adulthood And Early Adulthood, Peer Pressure

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Review questions chapter 1: the aim of many age limits set on adolescents is protection. America, as opposed to argentina, korea and israel: america, legally an adult at age 18, characterized by individualism, accepting responsibility for oneself, making independent decisions, becoming financially independent, argentina: being able to support a family financially c. d. India and china (korea): being able to support their parents financially. Israel: completing mandatory military service: explain the difference between the nature and nurture types of causes for behaviors. Be able to give examples in adolescent behaviors: nature i. Why is random assignment important: experimental design, essentially a controlled comparison ii. Individuals are randomly assigned to one or more experimental conditions (or treatment groups) In which kinds of situations is it used: brings together a wide range of information on one child through. Interviews i: observations, test scores, psychophysiological measures b.