[01:830:338] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 36 pages long Study Guide!

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Personality = an individual"s characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior, combined w/ psych mechanisms behind those patterns: an individual"s unique and relatively consistent patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving = What personality psychologists study: the psych triad and the conflicts arising b/w the three, overlaps w/ clinical psych, study the whole person, not just parts of a person. Humanistic psychology = pursues how conscious awareness can produce uniquely human attributes like existential anxiety, creativity, free will --> human desire to understand meaning of life and basis of happiness. Subset of behaviorism is social learning theory = inferencing about ways that mental process like observation and self-evaluation determine which behaviors are learned, how they are performed: each approach complements each other in addressing human psychology. 3 levels of personality analysis: human nature: The way we look, basic needs, emotional characteristics.