01:830:340 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Night Terror, Biofeedback, Factitious Disorder

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Exam 3 cheat sheet leyro abnormal psych fall 2016. As usual, be able to distinguish (similarities and differences) between disorders, in particular within a class. Be able to apply information and think about it conceptually do not just memorize facts be curious as you study! Chapter 5: somatic symptom and related disorders and dissociative disorders. Distinction between derealization and depersonalization see slides! Sleep paralysis is associated with narcolepsy and can occur when falling asleep (hypnogogic) or waking up (hypnopompic) See slides: there are three ways sleep apnea occurs. Of the top 10 causes of death in the us, 50% are related to lifestyle choices. Know the immune system and how each cell type works to protect us. Know how the hpa system responds to chronic stress including hormonal factors. Chapter 10: substance-related, addictive, and impulse control disorders. You will not be tested on impulse control disorders. Know how alcohol effects different neurotransmitter systems.