01:830:340 Midterm: Exam2StudyRecommendations1

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Please note that this is simply a guide for the exam that highlights the areas that people struggle with most on exam 2. It is by no means comprehensive, and if you only know these topics and issues you are likely to do poorly on the exam. Thus, you are still responsible for all material covered in the lectures and book chapters 7-9 (plus the extra newsweek article), but pay extra attention to these topics and issues: Be able to identify the 2 primary symptoms of depression, as well as the secondary symptoms and how many are need to receive a diagnosis of depression. Know the different subtypes of depression (e. g. , melancholic depression, postpartum depression, atypical depression). Know gender, age, and racial differences in depression. Know the differences between a depressive episode, major depressive disorder, dysthymia, persistent depressive disorder, double depression, and seasonal affective disorder (also known as major depressive disorder with seasonal specifier).