01:830:340 Midterm: Exam3studyrecommendations

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Understand the differences between fear, anxiety, and panic, as well as the emotional, cognitive, and physiological responses that make up the anxiety/fear response. Know what makes the fear response adaptive versus maladaptive. How does classical and operant conditioning play a role in anxiety disorders (e. g. , what is the conditioned stimulus, what is the conditioned response, see little albert experiment for particular relevance to anxiety disorders). Understand how panic disorder and agoraphobia are linked, and how dsm-5 changed how these disorders are linked. Understand the key techniques for exposure therapy, including: fear hierarchy, optimal level of anxiety to experience during an exposure, modeling, systematic desensitization, in vivo vs imaginal exposure, and flooding. Know the four primary types of specific phobias. Understand the symptoms and subtypes of social phobia (generalized vs non- generalized). Know the primary symptoms and symptoms categories of ptsd. Understand the dose-effect relationship between trauma and ptsd. Know the four main theoretical approaches to understanding ptsd.