01:830:340 Study Guide - Final Guide: Trichotillomania, Exhibitionism, Codeine

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8 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Chapters 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Disorders (odd or eccentric: paranoid personality disorder, excessively mistrustful and suspicious of others. Tend not to confide in others and expect others to do them harm: schizoid personality disorder, show a pattern of detachment and limited range of emotions, seem aloof, cold, and indifferent, schizotypal personality disorder. Typically socially isolated and behave in unusual ways. Tend to be suspicious and have odd beliefs about the world. Cluster b personality disorders (dramatic, emotional, or erratic) Perform unacceptable actions and fail to comply with social norms. Related concept of psychopathy focuses on personality traits. Usually have low self-esteem and are at great risk of suicide. Tend to be overdramatic and appear to be acting. Fear of rejection causes then to reject the attention of others. Rely on others to make all of their decisions for them. Results in an unreasonable fear of being abandoned.