01:920:307 Study Guide - Final Guide: Community Mental Health Service, Psychoactive Drug, Therapy

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Document Summary

Those with severe and persistent illness have not been adequately recognized; these individuals require long-term care, and there is a notable lack of efficacious treatment technology. Majority of individuals receive treatment from general hospitals that offer both general medical car and psychiatric care. Close to 20% of inpatient care is provided by private psychiatric hospitals, while. 16. 4% is provided by public, state, and county mental hospitals. Most clients now receive care on an outpatient basis. Most clients of mental health services will see a psychiatric nurse or social worker. Psychiatrics make decisions about medication while other mental health professionals proved therapy or supportive case management. Paraprofessionals those who provide direct care but lack formal qualifications or direct authority over clients. Professionals who possess a qualifying degree. Institutionalization: erving goffman - total institution designed to care for those who are. Are smaller, less structured, and integrated into the community.